Now i know i might get a lot of hate for this but this is my honest opinion,
Sword art online
it was an eye candy with great animation and music but if it was not one thing , it was NOT an MMORPG anime. I realize this even more after watching some of log horizon , sword art online was an anime about a (insert any boring protagonist form an anime nowadays) who is a total noob (even if he dosnt say so) in an MMORPG . One thing about MMORPG's that if people don't know GOING SOLO DOESN'T WORK . no matter how amazing you are (unless you are the main character of an anime) . plus the stupid facts that when a guild fights the boss , nothng happens but when kirito goes alone he can easily finish him off conveniently having just enough hp left to survive . the second game was even worse considering it was supposed to be an MMORPG . the anime itself was not so bad though , it was entertaining and great to look at .
Log Horizon
I was skeptical when it first came out since the synopsis by ANN made it seem like a cheap rippoff of SAO. Fortunately for me It WAs NOt . Log horizon has pretty good animetion too , just a couple of notches below SAO and the same can be said about the music but the rest of the show cannot be more different .
I like the way it started since i thought to myself what would be my forst reaction if was trapped in an MMORPG the answer simple enuf ' Enjoy the hell untill it lasts ' the same case with log horizon , the veteran players are not the east bothered that they are trapped in a game and rather than asking why they are too busy playing and exploring the new update patch for the half gaia project . Essentially the main character shiroe , an enchanter (you can already feel it is more of an MMORPG) has a PERSONALITY and character traits . the show dosn't have a set goal i mind which is why it is like an MMORPG in which you don't have a goal (at least i don't) . so ot is true to an MMOrPG and so far entertaining as hell as we see shiroe who initially dislikes guilds , comes to realize the importance and creates his own and sets off to explore this failiar yet unknown world of ELDER TALE .
So as an anime i found log horizon to be 100000000x much better and i hope to see more of it in the near future .
comparison appreciated